Kiwi Cooking Lessons
Many Japanese people must have wondered “What is food like in New Zealand??” These classes have been offered from 2000 to help Japanese people get better acquainted with New Zealand home cooking, featuring a wonderful menu of different flavours and generous portions each time.With dishes like Shepherd’s Pie, Lamb Casserole, and Kumera and Corn Fritters, featuring ingredients that Japanese people might not be so familiar with (Lamb and Kumera – a type of New Zealand Sweet Potato), participants have fun speculating on what the final product will taste like while they cook it.After roughly 3 hours of pleasant cooking together, it’s finally time to see how it tastes while enjoying New Zealand Wine, delicious food, and lively conversation. Having held Kiwi Cooking classes 19 times, from 2011 we’d like to spread not just food, but other aspects of New Zealand culture, and therefore we’re offering New Zealand Cultural Understanding Seminars instead.
19th Kiwi Cooking Class At Sun Square Sakai

Cooking Lesson

Cooking Lesson
10th Kiwi Cooking Class Sakai Higashi Cultural Hall
Left to Right: Trifle, Coleslaw, Shepherd’s Pie